Executive Summary 
API School Results (As of: 2013-14)
The Academic Performance Index (API) is a score on a scale of 200 to 1,000 that annually measures the academic performance and progress of individual schools in California. The state has set 800 as the API score that schools should strive to meet.

Student Enrollment by Ethnic Group (As of: 2013-14)
Black or African American5.3
American Indian or Alaska Native0.4
Hispanic or Latino33.5
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander1.2
Two or More Races1.2
None Reported1.5
English Learners18.6
Socioeconomically Disadvantaged47.6
Students with Disabilities3.4
Total Enrollment50.0

Teacher Credential Status (As of: 2013-14)
The district recruits and employs only the most qualified credentialed teachers.
Fully Credentialed-
Without Full Credentials-
Average Years Teaching-
Average Years in District-

Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) (As of: 2013-14)
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) is a federal law which mandates that all students in all grade levels meet the state academic achievement standards for Mathematics and English/Language Arts by 2014. Schools must demonstrate “Adequate Yearly Progress” (AYP) toward achieving that goal.
 Met AYP Criteria
Made AYP Overall 
Participation Rate - English - Language Arts 
Participation Rate - Mathematics 
Percent Proficient - English - Language Arts 
Percent Proficient - Mathematics 

California Standards Test Percentage of Students Meeting or Exceeding State Standards (As of: 2013-14)
The California Standards Test (CST), a component of the STAR Program, is administered to all students in the spring to assess student performance in relation to the State Content Standards.
English/Language Arts
History/Social Science

Students in Healthy Fitness Zone (As of: 2013-14)
In the spring of each year, schools are required by the state to administer a physical fitness test to all students in grades five, seven, and nine. The physical fitness test is a standardized evaluation that tracks the development of high-quality fitness programs and assists students in establishing physical activity as part of their daily lives.
Grade LevelFour of Six StandardsFive of Six StandardsSix of Six Standards

Average Class Size (As of: 2013-14)
Smythe Academy of Arts and Sciences maintains a school wide average class size of 27 students.
GradeAverage Class Size By Grade Level

Contact Information (As of: 2018-19)
K. Dandurand K-6 & M. Jewell, 7-8, Principal
(916) 566-2740
Parents who wish to participate in the schools leadership teams, school committees, school activities, or become a volunteer may contact the school’s office for further information.

For a full copy of the SARC, please visit the school office, or visit the website above.